PEACE INDIA is Government Registered NGO and CSR of FK Group.

PEACE INDIA is an International NGO for peace & Human rights Protection.

PEACE INDIA has the distinction of achieving ISO 9001:2015 accreditations. FK Group got “ASIA LEADERSHIP AWARDS 2019” for category – “Award for Best CSR Activity by Organization” in Mumbai by Leadership Federation. PEACE INDIA got “Best NGO of the Nation” in New Delhi.

Peace India was established in 2012 in Asansol, West Bengal by Firoz Khan FK with a group of people of Nation to promote a peaceful resolution of conflict. It is working continuously with dedication for the Noble cause of Human Rights Protection and Promotion, Justice for all, Economic upliftment of the underprivileged, Education, Love, Peace, Harmony and Friendship and in all sectors have reached across every part of the Nation & some other countries too.

PEACE INDIA is a Social helping hand and an Organization for the ignored, disregarded, over- looked, victimized, oppressed, depressed, tortured people of the Society and it cultivates awareness in them with regards to their RIGHTS. On behalf of “PEACE INDIA” we run many social and legal awareness programs to raise awareness for legal knowledge related to all fields.“PEACE INDIA” has an equal eye for all political wings, Castes, Religion, Creed. Here in, we talk about Pure Humanism, Socialism & Indian Nationalism.

The Presence of PEACE INDIA is in almost every state of India & some other countries too.

PEACE INDIA is associated with many National & International NGO with many human rights organizations.

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